Pictures from
"The Music Man"

Production by the Milwaukee Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
June 16, 2001

Sorry - these pictures are not the greatest - cheap camera   (tho some are worth keeping).   Feel free to download any you like.   Here is a link to (28) pictures from the   Cast Party   --   Tuesday   6/19/01.

Train 1

Train 3

Train 4

Trouble 1

Trouble 3

Trouble 6

Town Ladies Practicing for Sociable

Charlie & Marian

Jordan M., "Marian - The Librarian" & Bob


Shipoopi-1 On Lookers

Shipoopi Don Crego / Marcellus

Shipoopi Grp Dance 1

Shipoopi-2 Grp Dance

Shipoopi-3 Grp Dance

Shipoopi-4 Grp Dance

Restaurant - D. Crego + Family, Others

Restaurant - Jim A. + Others

Restaurant - kids

Restaurant - Quartet

Restaurant - Quartet 2 Singing for desert -- "Ice Cream"

Restaurant - Rick Vaughn & Daughter

Restaurant - R. Vaughn

Restaurant - Shellys

Restaurant - Suzi Gierke, Amy Elbert & Natalie Crego

Restaurant - Tom Scott

For a much larger selection of Music Man and other Milwaukee Stake Photos, go to:   and use Login:   "stake"   and   Password:   "photo".

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